Dolores Cannon, a visionary and pioneer in regression therapy, revolutionized the field of healing through her work in developing Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). With an insatiable curiosity about consciousness and a deep desire to unlock the mysteries of the mind, Dolores embarked on a multi-decade transformative journey. Through her innate ability to guide individuals into a deep hypnotic state, she discovered a method to access past lives and connect with higher selves, delving into the recesses of the subconscious mind. With relentless research and thousands of sessions, Dolores refined QHHT to address a wide range of challenges, facilitating profound healing and personal transformation.

Her visionary work and the development of QHHT have opened doors to incredible knowledge and self-discovery. Through her unwavering dedication, expert questioning, and years of research, she provided individuals with a powerful tool to access the depths of their subconscious minds. Today, QHHT practitioners carry forward Dolores Cannon's legacy.

Susan Domelsmith Cabral, a Level 2 QHHT practitioner based in Austin, Texas, began her journey in the healing arts by studying Art Therapy at the University of Texas and Feng Shui at the New York School of Feng Shui before opening Clear Space in 2018. Having received her Level 2 QHHT certification in 2023, Susan's exploration of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique has provided her with healing, insights, and clarity both as a practitioner and as a client. During her own QHHT session in 2016, she was called to pursue certification, recognizing that this technique would beautifully complement her existing practices.

Utilizing her psychology degree, over 10 years of intuition training, and certifications in feng shui and QHHT, Susan offers sessions that focus solely on therapeutic aspects or programs that incorporate feng shui services for a complete transformation of the self and home. Drawing upon her extensive background, she creates a space for individuals to tap into their deep inner knowingness, finding the answers and healing they seek. Today, Dolores Cannon's groundbreaking legacy lives on through expertly trained QHHT practitioners like Susan, who embody Dolores' vision and provide guidance on soulful healing journeys, unlocking true potential and discovering the remarkable power of consciousness.


