Harness the element of the summer season.

The element of Fire is in abundance right now as the summer days are warm and long. Fire is charismatic, loving, passionate, and inspiring. How can you use this element to your advantage?

The sector related to Fire is the South which represents Fame and Reputation. Through your reputation in the larger community, you learn to know yourself deeper, so the energy of this sector works like a mirror, it is more than just fame and fortune. This is a time of expanded social engagements, love, vitality, and innovation that will take you to the next level. Earth rules in the Southwest, Center, and Northeast sectors, so Fire is also helpful in these areas as Fire creates Earth. Enhance these sectors with representations of the Fire element such as candles, lamps, natural light, incense offerings, triangle shapes, and warm colors. If you are feeling uninspired, and low energy adding small amounts of Fire element will be helpful. This element is extremely powerful, so use be sure to use it in moderation.

This year in Texas, we are having a long drought with temperatures exceeding 100 degrees for what feels like months on end. Fire is definitely in excess here in nature now. What if there is too much Fire in your inside environment too? If you are feeling angry, burnt out, frazzled, or drained then you should minimize the Fire element in your space. You can draw curtains, dim lights, and store objects with bright red colors for the time being. Earth drains Fire, so adding Earth element is helpful in your decor as well as wardrobe. Water quenches fire, so make sure to drink plenty of water, eat cooling water-rich foods, and dip your body in natural water as often as possible. You can wear earth tones and cool colors if you are feeling the heat of the season a little too strongly.

How are you feeling this summer?

Message me if you want to know my favorite local Austin swimming spots!


